Acheivements Awards
Innovations And Patent- 10

Dr. Tushar Pruthi, Dr. Nikhil Srivastava, Dr. Sakshi Gaind, Dr. Vivek Rana, Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Dr. Akash Raj Sharma, Dr. Roma Goswami, Dr. Anshul Trivedi, Dr. Yash Singh

Dr. Yashika Bali

Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

Varnit Jain, Vidushi Goel, Dr. Roli Singh, Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Dr. Akash Raj Sharma & Dr. Deepesh Saxena - Dental Apparatus for Placement of the Cord

Dr. Roma Goswami & Dr. Deepesh Saxena – Design and Develop A Clinical Merits of CAD/CAM Manufactured Dentures

Awards Won by Faculty: 29

Name of Student/ Faculty

Title of the Award/ Recognition



Awarding Agency/ Organization

Dr. Roma Goswami

Global Outreach Dental Award "Outstanding Academician in Prosthodontics"

Global Outreach Research College & Hospital


Global Outreach Medical & Health Association

Dr. Anshul Trivedi

Global Outreach Dental Award "Emerging Academician in Prosthodontics"

Global Outreach Medical & Health Association with Global Outreach Research College & Hospital


Global Outreach Medical & Health Association

Dr. Yashika Bali

Global Outreach Dental Award "Implantologist of the Year"

Global Outreach Medical & Health Association with Global Outreach Research College & Hospital


Global Outreach Medical & Health Association

Dr. Elizabeth Madathil

01st Position in Scientific Poster Presentation

International Digital Dentistry Congress 2.0


International Digital Dentistry Congress

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

02nd Position in the Scientific Paper Presentation

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Dr. Deepesh Saxena

01st Position in the Scientific Paper Presentation

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Dr. Pragati Rawat

01st Position in the Scientific Paper Presentation

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

02nd Position in the Scientific Paper Presentation

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

03rd Position in the Scientific Paper Presentation

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

03rd Position in the Scientific Paper Presentation

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Dr. Pragati Rawat

Best Paper Presentation

51st Indian Prosthodontic Society


Indian Prosthodontic Society

Dr. Yashika Bali

Emerging Implantologist of the Year

07th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


CynoDent Global Healthcare for All & International College of Dentist

Dr. Yashika Bali

02nd Position in the Scientific Paper/Poster Presentation

06th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference


CynoDent Global Healthcare for All & International College of Dentist

Dr. Yashika Bali

Emerging Prosthodontist of the Year

Cynodent and Indian Society of Dentistry National Dentist Award 2023 held at KIDS, KIIT Bhubaneswar


CynoDent Global Healthcare for All & International College of Dentist

Dr. Roma Goswami

Excellence in Prosthodonitcs

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Outstanding Implantologist of the year

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Deepesh Saxena

Outstanding Academician in Prosthodontics

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Anshul Trivedi

Excellence in Implantology

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Pragati Rawat

Emerging Prosthodontist of the year

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

Prosthodontist of the year

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

Aspiring Prosthodontist of the year

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Rising Prosthodontist of the year

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Yashika Bali

Excellent Contribution in Prosthodonitcs

Global Professional Award, Research Development Innovation


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Yashika Bali

Emerging Academician in maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Crown & Bridge

2nd Global Outreach Dental Conference & Awards


Global Outreach Medical & Health Association

Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

Young Prosthodontist of the Year

2nd Global Outreach Dental Conference & Awards


Global Outreach Medical & Health Association

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Exemplary contribution towards social cause and patient care

National Doctor’s Day


Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Excellence in Implantology

Global Professional Awards


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Yashika Bali

Excellence in Dental Implantology

Global Professional Awards


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Pragati Rawat

Excellence in Prosthodontics 

Indian Glory Awards


Kiteskraft Productions

Dr. Sidhartha

Excellent Contribution in Prosthodontics

Global Professional Awards


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Emerging Prosthodontist of the year

Global Professional Awards


Research Development Innovation

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Dental influencer of the year

CAFO’s Ist online summit of forensic odontology


Dental Careers unlimited, New Delhi

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Emerging expert in forensic odontology

CAFO’s Ist online summit of forensic odontology


Dental Careers unlimited, New Delhi

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Award for Leadership

CAFO’s Ist online summit of forensic odontology


Dental Careers unlimited, New Delhi

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Research Excellence Award, a unit of DPL

Institute of Scholars INSC


Institute of Scholars INSC

Dr. Deepesh Saxena


Research Excellence Award

Institute of Scholars INSC


Institute of Scholars INSC

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Best poster award

Dentrenz 2 in 1 virtual summit


Dentrenz Careers Unlimited

Dr. Pragati Rawat

Research Excellence Award, a unit of DPL

Institute of Scholars INSC


Institute of Scholars INSC



Awards Won by Students: 32

Dr. Avi Pahwa

Dr. Ishita Gupta

Dr. Sakshi Chauhan

Best Scientific Poster Presentation Award (First Position)

50th Golden Jubilee Conference organized by Indian Prosthodontic Society


50th Golden Jubilee Conference organized by Indian Prosthodontic Society

Dr. Shipra Aggarwal

Dr. Niyati Varshney

Dr. Amreen

Best Scientific Poster Award

24th IPS PG Convention


24th IPS PG Convention, Dharwad

Dr. Saumya Agarwal

Dr. Arushi Chopra

01st Prize

49th IPS National Conference


49th IPS National Conference,  Chennai

Dr. Arushi Chopra

Dr. Neha Tyagi

01st Prize

23rd IPS PG Convention


23rd IPS PG Convention, Jaipur

Dr. Saumya Agarwal

Dr. Avi Pahwa

Dr. Niyati Varshney

Dr. Shipra Aggarwal

01st Prize

23rd IPS PG Convention


23rd IPS PG Convention, Jaipur

Dr. Raja,

Dr. Pratiksha

01st Prize

48th IPS National Conference


48th IPS National Conference, Nagpur

Dr. Raja,

Dr. Pratiksha,

Dr. Aakriti

01st Prize

22nd IPS PG Convention


22nd IPS PG Convention, Kochi

Dr. Raja, Dr. Tanu, Dr. Garima

02nd Prize

Poster Presentation

IDA State Conference


IDA State Conference

Dr. Deepanshu,

Dr. Anjum Sultana

02nd Prize

Poster Presentation

03rd International Conference of Cortical Implantology


03rd International Conference of Cortical Implantology, Lucknow

Dr. Anshul Saxena

Best Oral Presenter

“Dr. G.C. Das Memorial Award”

42nd IPS Conference


42nd IPS Conference, Chandigarh

Dr. Anshul Saxena, Dr. Neetu Singh

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

42nd IPS Conference


42nd IPS Conference, Chandigarh

Dr. Avani Priya,

Dr. Neetu Singh

2nd Prize

Poster Presentation

41st IPS Conference


41st IPS Conference, Ahmadabad

Dr. Nishant Gaba

2nd Prize

Paper Presentation

41st IPS Conference


41st IPS Conference, Ahmadabad

Dr. Shikha Jindal

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

15th IPS PG Convention


15th IPS PG Convention, Muradnagar

Dr. Neha Garg

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

15th IPS PG Convention


15th IPS PG Convention, Muradnagar

Dr. Kanika Aggarwal

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

14th IPS PG Convention


14th IPS PG Convention, Mangalore

Dr. Shuja-Ur-Rehman

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

14th IPS PG Convention


14th IPS PG Convention, Mangalore

Dr. Shuja-Ur-Rehman,

Dr. Rishabh Garg,

Dr. Puneet Mahajan

1st Prize

Table Clinic Presentation

13th IPS PG Convention


13th IPS PG Convention, Lucknow

Dr. Anchal Deep

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

38th IPS Conference


38th IPS Conference, Indore

Dr. Amit Siwach

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

38th IPS Conference


38th IPS Conference, Indore

Dr. Rishabh Garg

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

8th IAFO National Conference


8th IAFO National Conference, Lucknow

Dr. Rashmi Mittal

1st Prize

Paper Presentation

37th IPS Conference


37th IPS Conference, Thrissur

Dr. Komal,

Dr. Shokhi Bansal,

Dr. Noopur Rathi

2nd Prize

Paper Presentation

10th IPS National PG Convention


10th IPS National PG Convention, New Delhi

Dr. Shuchi Triphati, Dr. Pratibha Yadav

1st & 2nd Prize

Paper Presentation

35th IPS Conference


35th IPS Conference, New Delhi

Dr. Ridhima Gupta, Dr. Manish Shrivastav, Dr. Monika Singh

1st Prize

Table Clinic &

Paper Presentation

9th IPS National PG Convention


9th IPS National PG Convention, Wardha

Dr. Rubina Gupta,

Dr. Vishwas Bhatia,

Dr. Sandhya Rani

1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize Paper Presentation

Uttaranchal State Branch IDA Conference


Uttaranchal State Branch IDA Conference

Dr. Pratibha Yadav, Dr. Lakshaya Yadav, Dr. Vishwas Bhatia

1st Prize

Table Clinic

34th IPS Conference


34th IPS Conference, Kanyakumari

Dr. Sandhya Rani

2nd Prize, Scientific Paper Presentation

Uttaranchal State Branch IDA Conference


Uttaranchal State Branch IDA Conference


Research Grants Received by the Department/ Faculty/ Students Working Under The Guidance of the Department: 01

Name of the Faculty

Project Title

Name of the Organization providing the Grant

Year of Sanction/ Duration

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal


“Assessment of Quality of life and Clinical performance of immediately loaded basal implants in prosthetic rehabilitation of resorbed ridges and acquired defects of maxillomandibular sites – a Randomized controlled trial study.

Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut




Faculty as Guest Speaker/ Key Note Address/ Panelist/ Resource Person: 28

Name of  Faculty




International/ National/ State

Dr. Roma Goswami

Guest Speaker - Insights in CAD CAM Prosthodontics

Continuing Dental Education “Changing Times, Emerging Paradigms: Trends in Dentistry” at Army Dental Centre Research & Referral, Delhi Cantt.



Dr. Yashika Bali

05th International Conference on Prosthodontics - 2023

Pulsus Group



Dr. Roma Goswami
Dr. Anshul Trivedi

Pre conference course -  25th IPS PG Convention, Hyderabad

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Yashika Bali

Keynote Speaker - 07th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference

CynoDent Global Healthcare for All & International College of Dentist



Dr. Yashika Bali

Guest Speaker – 06th International Dental Summit Dubai (UAE)

Global Scientific Conferences, USA



Dr. Yashika Bali

Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

Pre conference course -  24th IPS PG Convention ,Dharwad

Conservative Approaches To Facilitate Dental Implants In Deficient Bone



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Gurudeeksha - 23rd IPS PG Convention  Jaipur

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Keynote lecture - Ist virtual summit of forensic odontology and DNA forensics

Council of forensic odontology (Govt. of India approved)



Dr. Yashika Bali

Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

Pre conference course -  49th IPS National Virtual Conference, Chennai

SPLIT CREST- A Conceivable approach in Implant Reconstruction



Dr. Deepesh Saxena,

Dr. Pragati Rawat,

Dr. Akash Sharma

Pre conference course -  23rd IPS PG Convention  Jaipur

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Chandan K. Kusum, Dr. Pratik Bhatnagar,

Dr. Manjulika

Pre conference course -  23rd IPS PG Convention  Jaipur

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Yashika Bali

Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

Pre conference course -  23rd IPS PG Convention, Jaipur

Ridge Split: An Answer To Severly Narrow Ridges



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Keynote lecture - OMICI (Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology Council Of India ---Govt Approved)

Dentrenz careers unlimited



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Keynote lecture OMICI (Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology Council of India ---Govt Approved)

Dentrenz careers unlimited



Dr. Chandan Kumar

Guest lecture - 73rd National IDA Conference, Kovalam

Indian Dental Association



Dr. Deepesh Saxena,

Dr. Chandan Kumar, Dr. Pratik Bhatnagar

Pre conference course - 22nd IPS PG Convention Kochi

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Roma Goswami

Pre conference course - - 47th IPS National Conference, Raipur

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Symposium - Immediate Implant V/S Conventional Implant in Dental Practice

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Guest lecture - World Dental Conference, Malaysia

World Dental Conference



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Pre conference course - 42nd IDA State Annual Conference, Meerut

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Deepesh Saxena

Guest lecture

DJ College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar



Dr. Chandan Kumar

Pre conference course - 42nd IDA State Annual Conference, Meerut

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Anshul Saxena

Pre conference course - 47th IPS National Conference, Raipur

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Anshul Saxena

Guest lecture

Sardar Patel Institute Of Dental Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh



Dr. Roma Goswami

Guest lecture

ESI Dental College and Hospital, Delhi



Dr. Roma Goswami

One on one session (course) - 19th IPS PG Convention, Seema Dental College and Hospital, Rishikesh

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Deepesh Saxena

One on one session (course) 19thIPS PG,Seema Dental College and Hospital, Rishikesh

Indian Prosthodontics society



Dr. Chandan Kumar

Guest lecture

IGIMS, Patna



Dr. Anshul Saxena

One on one session (course) 19thIPS PG,Seema Dental College and Hospital, Rishikesh

Indian Prosthodontics society




Faculty Presentations: 36

Name of  Faculty


Paper Presentation/ Poster


International/ National/ State

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subhrati Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Pre Conference Course on Prosthetic Options of Implants in Edentulous Patients



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subhrati Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Scientific Paper Presentation on Guided Full Arch Implant Rehabilitation of Atrophic Maxilla Bypassing Sinus Lift : A Case Report



Dr. Deepesh Saxena

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subhrati Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Scientific Paper Presentation on Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis maxillary defect with patient specific implant- A Case-Report



Dr. Pragati Rawat

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subhrati Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Scientific Paper Presentation on Evaluation and Comparison of causes and effects of stress amongst Dental Professionals of Northern India working in a day care Dental hospital before and during Covid-19 Pandemic: A survey



Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subhrati Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Scientific Paper Presentation on Role of platform switched implant on peri implant bone loss on comparison to platform matched technique- A Systemic Review



Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subhrati Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Scientific Paper Presentation on Implant Surface Modifications: A key to implant success



Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

11th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by Cynodent & ISD in collaboration with Subhrati Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Scientific Paper Presentation on Making Impression: The Digital Way



Dr. Yashika Bali

51st Indian Prosthodontic Society

Three-dimensional comparative evaluation of accuracy of dental dies fabricated by digital and conventional workflows



Dr. Pragati Rawat

51st Indian Prosthodontic Society

A Systematic Review on Temporomandibular joint disorders: Frequenc and severity in partially versus completely edentulous patients



Dr. Deepesh Saxena

25th IPS PG Convention, Hyderabad organized by Indian Prosthodontics Society

Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis maxillary defect with patient specific implant- A Case-Report



Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

25th IPS PG Convention, Hyderabad organized by Indian Prosthodontics Society

Role of platform switched implant on peri implant bone loss on comparison to platform matched technique- A Systemic Review



Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

07th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by CynoDent Global Healthcare for All

Scienctific Paper Presentation on Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry



Dr. Yashika Bali

06th World Dental Sciences and Oral Health Conference organized by CynoDent Global Healthcare for All

Scienctific Paper Presentation on Implant Abutment Connections: Biomechanical Perspectives



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Oral Health Innovation Conclave 2023 organized by Indian Dental Associaton held at Manekshaw Center, New Delhi

Scienctific Paper Presentation on Dental-Facial Midline Evaluator



Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Oral Health Innovation Conclave 2023 organized by Indian Dental Associaton held at Manekshaw Center, New Delhi

Scienctific Paper Presentation on Dental Apparatus for Placement of the Cord



Dr. Roma Goswami

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Sunit Aggarwal

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Deepesh Saxena

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Anshul Trivedi

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Pragati Rawat

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Pre conference course -  50th Golden Jubilee Conference

Indian Prosthodontics Society



Dr. Pragati Rawat

19th National Conference of the Indian Association of Forensic Odontology

Denture Labelling: Past, Present and Future



Dr. Roma Goswami

49th IPS National Virtual Conference, Chennai

Exploring Custom Made 3D Printed Subperiosteal Implants As A Viable Treatment Option”



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

23rd IPS PG Convention, Jaipur

Guru Deeksha Presentation - Occlusion in Implants



Dr. Deepesh Saxena

49th IPS National Virtual Conference, Chennai

Innovative approach for rehabilitation of acquired maxillary defect: A case report



Dr. Anshul Trivedi

49th IPS National Virtual Conference 2021, Chennai,

Functional Rehabilitation of a Patient with Cleft and Palate. A long term follow up



Dr. Roma Goswami

48th IPS National Virtual Conference,  Nagpur

Laminate Veneers: Art of Veneering Teeth



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

48th IPS National Virtual Conference,  Nagpur

Simple Tips and Tricks in Implantology



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Dentrenz in Virtual Summit (Paper)

Bite Marks analysis in Forensic Odontology



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Dentrenz in Virtual Summit (Poster)

Stem Cell role in Forensic Odontology



Dr. Anshul Saxena

48th IPS National Virtual Conference,  Nagpur

Rehabilitation of Mandibular Defects Using Customized Implants



Dr. Pragati Rawat

48th IPS National Virtual Conference,  Nagpur

Effect of Addition of Natural Agents on The Properties of a Tissue Conditioner



Dr. Roma Goswami

47th IPS National Conference,  Raipur

Success of Implants in Radiated Jaws: Sliver of full Scope



Dr. Anshul Saxena

47th IPS National Conference,  Raipur

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Posterior Regions of Jaws In Challenging Cases Of No Bone To Minimal Bone “– Reconnoiter, Amalgamate & Metamorphose………Case Series




Faculty – Selection as Office Bearer/ Reviewer/ Editor/ Member Editorial Board: 07

Name of Faculty

Post Held

Organization/ Journal Name

Duration/ Year appointed

Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Additional secretary in Council of Forensic odontology (CAFO, GOVT APPROVED) in 2021

Council of Forensic Odontology (Govt. Apporved)


Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Chief Mentor Oral and Maxillofacial Council of Implantology (OMICI, GOVT. APPROVED)

Oral & Maxillofacial Council of Implantology (Govt. Apporved)


Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Reviewer in Journal of Institute of Scholars (InSc), a unit of DPL

INSC, Bangalore


Dr. Deepesh Saxena

Section editor Prosthodontics

Clinical Dentistry Editorial Board


Dr. Deepesh Saxena

Reviewer in Journal of Institute of Scholars (InSc), a unit of DPL

INSC, Bangalore


Dr. Pratik Bhatnagar

Reviewer in Journal of Institute of Scholars (InSc), a unit of DPL

INSC, Bangalore


Dr. Pragati Rawat

Reviewer in Journal of Institute of Scholars (InSc), a unit of DPL

INSC, Bangalore



Faculty Fellowships/ Life Memberships of Associations –11

Faculty Name

Fellowship Name

Issuing Authority


Dr. Pragati Rawat


Indian Dental Association


Dr. Akash Raj Sharma


Indian Dental Association


Dr. Pratik Bhatnagar


Indian Dental Association


Dr. Sumit Aggarwal


Indian Dental Association


Dr. Pragati Rawat

Fellowship of Academy of General Education

Manipal, Karnataka


Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

Fellowship of Academy of General Education

Manipal, Karnataka


Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Fellowship of Academy of General Education

Manipal, Karnataka


Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Fellowship of Forensic Odontology

Council of Accredited forensic odontologists (Approved by Govt. of India)


Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Fellowship of Facial Aesthetics of Cosmetology

Council of Cosmetology and Aesthetic Science (Approved by Govt. of India)


Dr. Deepesh Saxena

Fellowship of Academy of General Education

Manipal, Karnataka


Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Fellowship of Academy of General Education

Manipal, Karnataka




Publications - 313

Sr. No.

Name of Faculty

Title of the Paper



1. Dr. Roma Goswami Evaluation of short and ultra short dental implants in challenging clinical situations of resorbed ridges: A narrative review SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences 2024



Diverse Labial Flange Designs to Accomplish Lip Aesthetics in Conventional Complete Denture Prosthesis

American Journal of Medical Case Reports



Applications of 3D printing in dentistry

Journal of Research Administration




Exploring the revolutionary technology of intraoral scanners: the future of dental impressions

Chelonian Conservation And Biology




To Evaluate and Compare the Effect of Various Surface Treatment Modalities on Shear Bond Strength of Composite to Polyetherketoneketone and SEM Analysis: An In vitro Study

Contemporary Clinical Dentistry




Precise and predictable esthetic rehabilitation through porcelain laminate veneers: A case report

Pakistan Heart Journal




Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis Patient with Cast Partial Definitive Obturator

European Chemical Bulletin




An in vivo study to assess and compare the angular, linear, and depth deviation as well as the difference in bone density of implants placed using computer‑aided design/computer‑aided manufacturing fabricated three‑dimensional guides versus the implants placed using bone pen kit in maxillary and mandibular ridges

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




Impact of various surface modifications on flexural strength of monolithic zirconia : an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




To evaluate and compare the effect of addition of different antifungal agents on tensile bond strength and anti-fungal efficacy of soft tissue liner: an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




Marginal Bone Level Measurements of Unsplinted Implants Used for Mandibular Overdentures: A Six-Month Randomized Prospective Clinical Study Comparing Early and Delayed Loading Protocols






Effect of fractured instrument removal on tooth resistance to vertical fracture using different sealers – An in vitro study

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Futuristic Rehabilitation Technique Of Acquired Maxillectomy Defect In Post Covid19 Mucormycosis Using Polyether Ether Ketone Obturator Prosthesis- A Case Report

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




A Comparative Evaluation of Malocclusion and Associated Risk Factors in Patients Suffering with Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies

European Journal of General Dentistry




Single Maxillary Complete Denture against Natural Dentition – Influence of the Palatal Vault of Selection of a Metal Denture Base

American Journal of Medical Case Reports




Current Trends in Bone Grafts

Specialusis Ugdymas / Special Education




Implant-Supported Over dentures: Optimum Number of Implants for Success

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods




A three-dimensional finite element analysis of effect of abutment materials on stress distribution around peri-implant bone in immediate and delayed loading conditions

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research




Prosthetic Management of Flabby Hyperplastic Edentulous Ridge Tissue Using Different Clinical Impression Techniques – A Critique Case Series

Journal of Contemporary Medicine

and Dentistry




Review on Impressions in Implant Dentistry

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods




Orofacial Rehabilitation with Implants: A Boon for Retention

Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology




Role of Oral Appliances as an Effective Treatment Modality for Sleep Apnea

Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology




Reviving the esthetics by comprehensive treatment approach for missing maxillary central incisor: A case report

International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS)





Psycholocical and functional full mouth rehabilitation of a patient by “All-On-Four” concept: A Case Report

Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology




Impact of Different Fiber Reinforcement on Flexural Strength, Fracture Toughness and Abrasive Resistance of Provisional Restorative Resin

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences




Conversion of faulty designed fixed prosthesis into more predictable telescopic denture: a case report

International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences




A review of techniques of iris replication and a novel method of fabrication of ocular prosthesis using two different iris location methods

National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery




Customizing palatal rugae in oronasal communication patient to enhance phonetics: A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Prosthetic rehabilitation of patient with ocular defect using custom made ocular prosthesis : A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Andrews Bridge: A Boon for Cleft Lip Palate Patients: A Case Report

Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry




Comparative evaluation of bonding efficiency of PEEK and Acrylic Resin with facial silicone using different bonding agents – An in vitro study

International Journal of Scientific Research




Comparative evaluation of flexural strength of commercially available temporary resin materials : An in-vitro study

International Journal of Scientific Research




Flangeless complete denture and obliterated labial vestibule space

International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports




Assessment of Prosthodontic status, awareness and needs of population of West UP – An epidemiological cross sectional study

International Journal of Scientific Research




Construction of a Gunning Splint; Case Report on the Handling of Mandibular Fractures in Edentulous Patients

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences




Low Volume Salivary Reservoir in Complete Denture Prosthesis for Xerostomia

Journal of Case Reports: Clinical & Medical




Rapid prototyping technology: Basic concepts and their application in dentistry

European Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research




Resilient mandibular guiding prosthesis : A novel approach

Dent Ess. J.




Plagiarism: A plague to research.

International Journal of Development Research




Prosthetic Rehabilitation by a custom made scleral shell prosthesis

MP State Dental Journal




The enigma of myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome

International Journal of Development Research




Insights of TMJ through advanced imaging

International journal of biomedical research




Custom made ocular prosthesis-A case report

International journal of biomedical research




Innovating the art of final impression making in restricted oral opening through the use of sectional impression technique

Webmed Central Dentistry




Synchronizing a multi disciplinary team to rehabilitate an aesthetically handicapped patient suffering from developmental abnormality of amelogenesis imperfecta

Webmed Central Dentistry




Differences in mental attitude towards extensive dental treatments between two siblings suffering from amelogenesis imperfecta-two case reports and literature review

International journal of dental science and research





Elucidating the problem of pier abutment through the use of fixed movable prosthesis- a clinical case report

International journal of dental science and research




Resin bonded loop connector fixed partial denture – a subtle solution to maintain midline diastema

International journal of dental science and research




CAD CAM in restorative dentistry: A review

British Biomedical Bulletin




Rehabilitation of an ocular defect – a clinical report

British Biomedical Bulletin




Telescopic overdenture: Perio-prostho concern for advanced periodontitis

Contemporary Clinical Dentistry




Metal Reinforced Mandibular Overdenture with Bar Attachment: A case report.

e-journal of dentistry





Overview: Immediate And Delayed Loading of Implants

National Journal of Medical & Dental Research




Prosthetic Carriers for Radiation Therapy of Head and Neck.

British Biomedical Bulletin




Prosthodontic management of a patient having maxillary defect: A case report

Clinical Dentistry





Immediate denture-the spatial modeling way





Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Hemi-Maxillectomy Patient: Restoring Function and Esthetic

International Journal of Dental Clinics




Role of Prosthodontics in Forensic Odontology

International Journal of Clinical Dental Science




Restoring Natural Smile with Artificial Eye: A Case Report

International Journal of Clinical Dental Science




The Neutral Zone Impression Technique: Obtaining Stability in Severely Resorbed Mandibular Ridge

Clinical Dentistry




Altered Cast Technique For Cast Partial Denture: Revisited

Clinical Dentistry





Visual perception – Its importance in fixed partial denture

The Cusp





Bilateral Mandibular Ameloblastoma: its anesthetic management

The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology



Dr. Sumit Aggarwal

Applications of 3D printing in dentistry

Journal of Research Administration




Exploring the revolutionary technology of intraoral scanners: the future of dental impressions

Chelonian Conservation And Biology




An in vivo study to assess and compare the angular, linear, and depth deviation as well as the difference in bone density of implants placed using computer‑aided design/computer‑aided manufacturing fabricated three‑dimensional guides versus the implants placed using bone pen kit in maxillary and mandibular ridges

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




Comparative evaluation of surface and optical properties of extrinsically stained cad cam milled glass ceramic: An in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




Management Of A Perished Implant Using Custom Titanium Post and Core Supported Splinted Prosthesis With 3 Years Follow Up: A Rare Case Report

Journal of Aeronautical Materials




To evaluate and compare the effect of addition of different antifungal agents on tensile bond strength and anti-fungal efficacy of soft tissue liner: an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




Evaluation and comparison of the effect of autoclave and chemical sterilization on the dimensional accuracy and stability of two elastomeric impression materials-an in vitro

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health




Surgical and Prosthetic factors related to implant failure: A review

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods




Prosthetic management of an enucleated eye: A case report

International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences




An Intricate Estimation of Bone Levels After Immediate Dental Implant Therapy with Bone Graft at Various Time Periods: An in Vivo Study

International Journal of Health Sciences




Role of Oral Appliances as an Effective Treatment Modality for Sleep Apnea

Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology




Comparison of Types of Attachments on Mandibular Over denture Abutments- An Original Research

Annals of R.S.C.B.




Immediate esthetic restoration of failed teeth in esthetic zone using socket shield technique: A case report

International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences




Prosthetic rehabilitation of patient with ocular defect using custom made ocular prosthesis : A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Investigations on mechanical properties of selected restorative dental materials upon fiber reinforcement

International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)




Effect of Two Connector Designs on the Fracture Resistance of All-Ceramic Core Materials for Fixed Dental Prostheses: An in-Vitro Study

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development





Comparative evaluation of flexural strength of commercially available temporary resin materials : An in-vitro study

International Journal of Scientific Research




A simplified approach for managing severe horizontal ridge atrophy using sticky bone enriched with autologous injectable PRF : A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




A transdisciplinary approach for treatment of class III malocclusion

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care




Hard and soft-tissue evaluation of bar-clip, ball-socket, and kerator attachments in mandibular implant overdenture treatment: An in vivo study

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




To correlate and compare vertical dimension of occlusion from anthropometric measurements of fingers in dentulous subjects of selected population of up west region.

Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences




Evaluation of Strain produced by Different Implant Supported Prostheses

International Journal of Research in Health And Allied Sciences




Retention and patient satisfaction with bar-clip, ball and socket and kerator attachments in mandibular implant overdenture treatment: An in vivo study

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




Esthetic management of complicated crown fracture of three permanent maxillary teeth by grout technique – A case report

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care




Esthetic And Conservative Management of Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors Using Porcelain Laminate Veneers – A Case Report

International Journal of Current Research




Strategic Planning of a Dental Clinic in India

International Dental Journal of Student’s Research

(Original Research Article)




Locators - Dual Retention Attachments– A Boon for Implant Supported Overdentures

IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)




Oral hygiene assessment in orthodontic population. 

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences




Overdenture utilizing access post system-A case report

Dental journal of advanced studies(HP)




Overlay Cast Partial Denture – A Case Report

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences(HP)




Assessment of Upper and Lower Pharyngeal Airway Width in Skeletal Class I, II and III Malocclusions

Journal of Indian Orthodontics Society




Fabrication of a glove type silicone finger prosthesis: a case report

Annals of dental speciality




A cephalometric comparison of occlusal plane in dentulous and edentulous subjects in relation to inter






Peripheral giant cell granuloma





Occlusal considerations in implant supported prosthesis





Etiology And Management of Gag Reflex





Management of Mandibular fracture in a 4 year old child






Definitive maxillary obturator





A full thickness sclera shell prosthesis





Dr. Deepesh Saxena

Implants revolutionizing the field of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics: A Literature Review

Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry
An official Publication of bureau for health & education status upliftment




Marginal bone loss around implants with platform switching and platform matched connection: A systematic review

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry



Exploring the revolutionary technology of intraoral scanners: the future of dental impressions

Chelonian Conservation And Biology





To Evaluate and Compare the Effect of Various Surface Treatment Modalities on Shear Bond Strength of Composite to Polyetherketoneketone and SEM Analysis: An In vitro Study

Contemporary Clinical Dentistry





An in vivo study to assess and compare the angular, linear, and depth deviation as well as the difference in bone density of implants placed using computer‑aided design/computer‑aided manufacturing fabricated three‑dimensional guides versus the implants placed using bone pen kit in maxillary and mandibular ridges

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society





Prevalence and severity of temporomandibular joint disorder in partially versus completely edentulous patients: A systematic review

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society





Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis maxillary defect with an Obturator Prosthesis: A Case Report

European Chemical Bulletin





Comparative evaluation of surface and optical properties of extrinsically stained cad cam milled glass ceramic: An in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




Impact of various surface modifications on flexural strength of monolithic zirconia : an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin





To evaluate and compare the effect of addition of different antifungal agents on tensile bond strength and anti-fungal efficacy of soft tissue liner: an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin





Resonance Frequency Analysis – A key for successful implant Treatment

European Chemical Bulletin





The Scope of Peek in Dental Implantology: Literature Review

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results





Evaluation and comparison of the effect of autoclave and chemical sterilization on the dimensional accuracy and stability of two elastomeric impression materials-an in vitro

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health




Implant-Supported Over dentures: Optimum Number of Implants for Success

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods





Maxillary Submerged implants: From error to innovation

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods





A Hollow Bulb Obturator with Cast Metal Framework for A Patient After Mucormycosis Treatment: A Clinical Case Report

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods





Surgical and Prosthetic factors related to implant failure: A review

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods





Occlusal schemes in complete denture patients: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Orofacial Rehabilitation with Implants: A Boon for Retention

Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology





Rehabilitation of acquired maxillary defect: interim obturator prosthesis.

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




To evaluate the effect of accelerated aging on tensile bone strength of two silicone auto polymerizing soft tissue denture liners with heat cure acrylic resin before and after aging – An in vitro study

International Journal of Scientific Research





To compare the stability and crestal bone loss of implants placed using osseodensification and traditional drilling protocol: A clinicoradiographical study

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society





A comparative evaluation of implants stability in freshly extracted sockets versus healed alveolar bone: An in-vivo study

European Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research





Short implants: substitute to bone augmentation procedures – A case report

International Journal of Current Advanced Research





Occlusal Principles and Considerations for Implants: An Overview

Journal of Academy of Dental Education





Restoration of orbital defect with silicone elastomer prosthesis: A case report

Baba Farid University Dental Journal





Rehabilitation of resorbed mandibular ridge with implant supported overdenture-A clinical report

Journal of dental specialities





Rehabilitation of digital defect with silicone finger prosthesis: A case report

Journal of clinical and diagnostic research





Aesthetic rehabilitation of bilateral fusion of maxillary lateral incisor with canine and both maxillary central incisors-A case report

Baba Farid University Dental Journal





Methods used to select artificial anterior teeth for complete dentures by dentists in Meerut District, Uttar Pradesh – A survey

Baba Farid University Dental Journal





Interface enhancement of titanium dental implants: A review

Journal of orofacial and health sciences





Lasers in dentistry

Journal of orofacial and health sciences





Pouch and tunnel technique for recession coverage: A case report

Baba Farid University Dental Journal





A role of surface modifications in creating and maintaining bone at titanium endosseous implants

Baba Farid University Dental Journal




Dr. Chandan K. Kusum

Comparative evaluation of biological, mechanical, and patient-reported outcomes of angulated screw channel abutments versus multi-unit abutment-retained single-unit implant restorations in the anterior esthetic zone: An-in vivo study

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society





Current Trends in Bone Grafts

Specialusis Ugdymas / Special Education




Full mouth rehabilitation of the patient with severely mutilated dentition: a case report

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health





A three-dimensional finite element analysis of effect of abutment materials on stress distribution around peri-implant bone in immediate and delayed loading conditions

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research





Implant guides: A literature review

Journal of Research in Dental Sciences





Occlusal schemes in complete denture patients: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation





Impact of Different Fiber Reinforcement on Flexural Strength, Fracture Toughness and Abrasive Resistance of Provisional Restorative Resin

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences





Immediate esthetic restoration of failed teeth in esthetic zone using socket shield technique: A case report

International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences




Evaluation of the effect of 1% Metformin Gel coating on the osseointegration achieved around dental implants using bone mineral density and resonance frequency analysis- A clinical and three-dimensional radiographic study

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research





Customizing palatal rugae in oronasal communication patient to enhance phonetics: A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research





Effect of Two Connector Designs on the Fracture Resistance of All-Ceramic Core Materials for Fixed Dental Prostheses: An in-Vitro Study

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development




Comparative evaluation of bonding efficiency of PEEK and Acrylic Resin with facial silicone using different bonding agents – An in vitro study

International Journal of Scientific Research




To compare the stability and crestal bone loss of implants placed using osseodensification and traditional drilling protocol: A clinicoradiographical study

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




A Technique of fabricating acrylic finger prosthesis with silicone veneering – A clinical innovation

Manipal Journal of Dental Sciences




Rapid prototyping technology: Basic concepts and their application in dentistry

European Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research




Crestal Bone and Dental Implant: An Overview

Global Journal of Dental Sciences




Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of decimated dentition using pankey-Mann and schyuler’s concept of occlusion

Journal of Research And Advancement in Dentistry





Comparative evaluation of efficacy of two pre-procedural mouth rinses in preventing the aerosol contamination in dental operatory

Journal of the society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala




Resilient mandibular guiding prosthesis : A novel approach

Dent Ess. J.




Epigenetic changes in carcinomas derived from oral mucosa: A review

Journal of Indian Dental Association





Adjunctive systemic antimicrobials for the non-surgical treatment of chronic and aggressive periodontitis (Protocol)

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

Art. No.: CD012568




Interforaminal hemorrhage during anterior mandibular implant placement: An overview

Dental Research Journal




Intranasal prosthesis for an atrophic rhinitis: a case report.

Annals of Dental Research




A simple technique to fabricate a facial moulage with a prefabricated acrylic stock tray: a clinical innovation

Journal of Indian prosthodontic society




Connectors and attachments in oral rehabilitation

Journal of Dr. NTR Uni. Of Health Sciences (Kerala Dental Journal)




Porcelain laminate veneers-the current concepts

Journal of Indian Dental Association SULLIA




Fixed Prosthodontic Management of a Patient With Severely attrited dentition-A case report

Journal of Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research




Zero tolerance zone-the biologic width

Journal of Indian Dental Association SULLIA




Treatment of Malocclusion through Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics-An Interface – a case report.

Journal of Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research




Short Dental Implants

Journal of Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research




Modified spring cantilever: simple way to maintain anterior diastema

Journal of Indian Dental Association SULLIA




Right ingredients to treat combination syndrome – a case report

Journal of Indian dental Association Rajasthan



Dr. Pratik Bhatnagar

Tooth Supported Over Denture- A Lost Art-Case Report

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)




Surgical and Prosthetic factors related to implant failure: A review

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods




Occlusal schemes in complete denture patients: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Impact of Different Fiber Reinforcement on Flexural Strength, Fracture Toughness and Abrasive Resistance of Provisional Restorative Resin

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences




Comprehensive assessment of complete denture cleanliness and after care habits among elderly patients attending private clinics in a northern indian city; an (questionnaire based) original research study

PalArch’s Joural of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology




Investigations on mechanical properties of selected restorative dental materials upon fiber reinforcement

International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)




Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of decimated dentition using pankey-Mann and schyuler’s concept of occlusion

Journal of Research And Advancement in Dentistry




Autogenous chin graft and guided bone regeneration (GBR) in localized ridge augmentation – A case report

International Journal of Periodontology and Implantology




Xerostomia- A clinical challenge

International Journal of life sciences




Rapid prototyping in dentistry-An update

International Journal of life sciences




Informed consent: A prerequisite in Health Research

International Journal of life sciences




In vitro study of changing antibiotic sensitivity and resistance by honey on gingival inflammation during orthodontic treatment

The orthodontic cyber journal




Dr. Anshul Trivedi

Evaluation of short and ultra‑short dental implants in challenging clinical situations of resorbed ridges: A narrative review

SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences



To Evaluate and Compare the Effect of Various Surface Treatment Modalities on Shear Bond Strength of Composite to Polyetherketoneketone and SEM Analysis: An In vitro Study

Contemporary Clinical Dentistry




Precise and predictable esthetic rehabilitation through porcelain laminate veneers: A case report

Pakistan Heart Journal




Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis Patient with Cast Partial Definitive Obturator

European Chemical Bulletin




Comparative evaluation of biological, mechanical, and patient-reported outcomes of angulated screw channel abutments versus multi-unit abutment-retained single-unit implant restorations in the anterior esthetic zone: An-in vivo study

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




Comparative evaluation of surface and optical properties of extrinsically stained cad cam milled glass ceramic: An in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




Impact of various surface modifications on flexural strength of monolithic zirconia : an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




Implant Malpositioning: Reasons and Prevention

European Chemical Bulletin




Marginal Bone Level Measurements of Unsplinted Implants Used for Mandibular Overdentures: A Six-Month Randomized Prospective Clinical Study Comparing Early and Delayed Loading Protocols





Futuristic Rehabilitation Technique Of Acquired Maxillectomy Defect In Post Covid19 Mucormycosis Using Polyether Ether Ketone Obturator Prosthesis- A Case Report

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




A Comparative Evaluation of Malocclusion and Associated Risk Factors in Patients Suffering with Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies

European Journal of General Dentistry




A Case Report Depicting an Implant-Supported Prosthetic Rehabilitation of an immunocompromised Patient with a Bilateral Subtotal Maxillectomy Defect Secondary to Mucormycosis

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)




A three-dimensional finite element analysis of effect of abutment materials on stress distribution around peri-implant bone in immediate and delayed loading conditions

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research




Implant guides: A literature review

Journal of Research in Dental Sciences




Review on Impressions in Implant Dentistry

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods




Occlusal schemes in complete denture patients: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Psycholocical and functional full mouth rehabilitation of a patient by “All-On-Four” concept: A Case Report

Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology




3D Printing Using CAD Technology or 3D Scanners, A Paradigm Shift in Dentistry – A Review

International Journal of Medical and Dental Research




A review of techniques of iris replication and a novel method of fabrication of ocular prosthesis using two different iris location methods

National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery




Rehabilitation of mandibular defects using customized (Abstract)

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




Comparative evaluation of flexural strength of commercially available temporary resin materials : An in-vitro study

International Journal of Scientific Research




Assessment of Prosthodontic status, awareness and needs of population of West UP – An epidemiological cross sectional study

International Journal of Scientific Research




Role of Sandblasting on Fracture Load of Titanium Ceramic Crowns

Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research




Collapsed bite rehabilitation with immediate loading basal compressive screw implants – A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Use of lasers in oral and maxillofacial surgery: An overview

International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research (IJAMSCR)




Central odontogenic fibroma – a report of a quiet and concealed tumor in maxilla

Journal of Medicine, Radiology, Pathology & Surgery




Resilient mandibular guiding prosthesis : A novel approach

Dental Essence Journal




Novel method for securing surgical guide template in edentulous arches for predictable implant placement

Dental Essence Journal




Conservative Rehabilitation of an Aesthetic Problem: Loop connector

Annals of Prosthodontics & Restorative Dentistry




Prosthetic Rehabilitation by a custom made sclera shell prosthesis

MP State Dental Journal



Dr. Yashika Bali

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Narrow Mandibular Ridge by Two-Stage Split Technique: A Case Report





Applications of 3D printing in dentistry

Journal of Research Administration




Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis Patient with Cast Partial Definitive Obturator

European Chemical Bulletin




Comparative evaluation of biological, mechanical, and patient-reported outcomes of angulated screw channel abutments versus multi-unit abutment-retained single-unit implant restorations in the anterior esthetic zone: An-in vivo study

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




Comparative evaluation of surface and optical properties of extrinsically stained cad cam milled glass ceramic: An in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




Impact of various surface modifications on flexural strength of monolithic zirconia : an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




To evaluate and compare the effect of addition of different antifungal agents on tensile bond strength and anti-fungal efficacy of soft tissue liner: an in-vitro study

European Chemical Bulletin




A finite element assessment of stress delivery at implant bone boundary in platform switched short dental implants

European Chemical Bulletin




Reimposing the consequences of outward fit of wax patterns for the success of restoration by metal ceramic crown

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




An In Vitro Comparative Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Occlusal Convergence Reduction, Modification Of The Occlusal Surface, And Added Auxiliary Features On Full Veneer Metal Crown Resistance Placed On A Molar Tooth Having Inadequate Resistance Form

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Outcomes Following Hydraulic Pressure Indirect Sinus Lift in Cases of Simultaneous Implant Placement With Platelet-Rich Fibrin





A CBCT evaluation of bone density for insertion of pterygoid implants in dentulous and edentulous patients.

Tzu Chi Med J




Bone Graft and Intraosseous Anchorage of Dental Implants for Reconstruction of the Residual Alveolar Ridge.

Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences




Assessment of levels of C- Reactive Proteins and Interleukin 6 in patients with perimplantitis: A case control study.

Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences




The comparison of surface hardeness, water sorption and staining resistance between thermoplastic nylon and heat cured acrylic resin

University Journal of Dental Sciences




Awareness, Attitude and Behaviour Trends in Dental Students & Interns Towards Infection Control Measures in Prosthodontic Clinics.

Journal of Research And Advancement  in Dentistry




Statistical analysis of Removable prosthesis outcome given on the basis of Neutral zone patterns with respect to period of edentulousness and quantitative analysis of post treatment satisfaction index.

International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity




Evaluation of prosthetic complications associated with dental implants: A clinical study.

Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research




Assessment of effect of fixed orthodontic treatment on salivary pH

Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research



Dr. Rohit Bahuguna

Rehabilitation of A Patient With Fracture Mandible- A Case Report

International Journal of Preventive & Clinical Dental Research




Periodontio-integrated implants: A Revolutionary Concept

Dental Research Journal




Essentials of Periodontal Medicine in Preventive Medicine

International Journal of Preventive Medicine




Comparative Tooth Anatomy- A Review

International Journal of dental sciences and research




Evaluation Of Stress Patterns In Bone Around Dental Implant For Different Abutment Angulations Under Axial And Oblique Loading: A Finite Element Analysis.

National Journal Of Maxillofacial Surgery




Connective Tissue Graft and Root Coverage - A Case Report

Journal of Clinical Dental Research &Education




Silicone  Auricular  Prosthesis:  A Case Report.

Journal Of Indian Dental Association



Dr. Pragati Rawat

Implants revolutionizing the field of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics: A Literature Review

Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry
An official Publication of bureau for health & education status upliftment




Evaluation of efficacy of turmix in treatment of OSMF.

European Chemical Bulletin




Prevalence and severity of temporomandibular joint disorder in partially versus completely edentulous patients: A systematic review

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society




Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis maxillary defect with an Obturator Prosthesis: A Case Report

European Chemical Bulletin




Evaluation and Comparison of causes and effects of stress amongst Dental Professionals of Northern India working in a day care Dental hospital before and during Covid-19 Pandemic: A survey

Journal of Dental Research and Review




Occlusion consideration for the implant supported prosthesis: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




The Scope of Peek in Dental Implantology: Literature Review

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Assessment Of Changes In Alveolar Bone Width Around Dental Implants At Native And Reconstructed Bone Sites With CBCT

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Evaluation Of Effect Of Dental Implant Thread Design On Marginal Bone Loss Using CBCT

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Comparative Analysis of Three Surface Treatments on the Bond Strength of Zirconia to Resin-luting Agents: An In Vitro Study

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice




Protection from Radiation Hazard for Operator, Patients and Environment in Dental Hospital/Clinic Setup

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences




Medical Emergencies in Dental Office - A Review

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences




Comparative evaluation of ultrasonography in head and neck swellings

International Journal of Current Advanced Research




Correlation of lip prints and blood groups: An aid in forensic science

International Journal of Current Advanced Research




Geriatric psychology amidst edentulism: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Monomorphic Adenoma of Posterior Palate: A Rare Case Report

Journal of Dentistry and Oral Sciences




A simplified approach for managing severe horizontal ridge atrophy using sticky bone enriched with autologous injectable PRF : A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Rehabilitation of bells palsy patient with a modified impression technique and monoplane occlusion: A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Growth Factors – as a treatment of oral mucositis in patients receiving head and neck cancers therapy

International Journal of Scientific Resarch




Acupuncture therapy: An emerging adjunct in prosthodontic care

Dentistry: Advanced Research




Anthropometric analysis of palatal rugae pattern, face form and arch form among Indian population at Moradabad, India

International Dental Journal of Student’s Research




Effect of addition of antifungal agents on physical and biological properties of a tissue conditioner: An In-vitro study

Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin




A comparative evaluation of anti fungal and viscoelastic properties of a tissue conditioner after addition of various antifungal agents : An In-vitro study

European Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research




Green dentistry: Need of the hour

Chronicles of Dental Research




Advancements in cast partial denture: A review

Chronicles of Dental Research




Prosthodontics- past, present and future

Chronicles of Dental Research




Budding dentist on the road to success or in a blind tunnel?

International Journal of Scientific Study



Dr. Sidhartha Tomar

Implants revolutionizing the field of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics: A Literature Review

Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry
An official Publication of bureau for health & education status upliftment




Marginal bone loss around implants with platform switching and platform matched connection: A systematic review

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry




A Comparative Evaluation of Different Zirconia CAD/CAM Milled Three-Unit FPDS with Two Variable Connector Design -An In Vitro Study

Annals of International Medical and Dental Research




Rehabilitation of Mucormycosis maxillary defect with an Obturator Prosthesis: A Case Report

European Chemical Bulletin




Resonance Frequency Analysis – A key for successful implant Treatment

European Chemical Bulletin




Occlusion consideration for the implant supported prosthesis: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




The Scope of Peek in Dental Implantology: Literature Review

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Comparative Evaluation of Fracture Strength, Surface Hardness and Color Stability Between Pre-Formed And Customizable Direct Veneers: An In-Vitro Study

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




An in vitro evaluation of Sealing ability of newly introduced C Point as an obturating material: A glucose leakage model study

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




A Simplified Method For Evaluating Optimized Gingival Contour For Single Implant Supported Zirconia Crown In The Aesthetic Zone - An In Vivo Study

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Applications of Cone beam Computed Tomography in the field of prosthodontics: A review.

International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences.




A Comprehensive Review On Diagnostic Tools Used In Field Of Prosthodontics

European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research.




Comprehensive evaluation of peri implant bone loss in patients receiving mandibular implant supported over dentures- A cone beam computed tomography based clinical Study (Original Research)

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine




Ceramics; In Recent Trends.

Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry




Evaluation of Marginal Bone Around Dental Implants Supported by Fixed Partial Prosthesis: An In-Vivo Study.

Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry




Implant retained mandibular complete overdenture with lingualized occlusal scheme for preservation of alveolar ridge resorption: a case report. 

Journal of Oral and Dental Health




New trends in Computer-Aided Implant Surgery—A Review.

Journal of Oral and Dental Health



Dr. Manjulika Tyagi

Evaluating the effectiveness of infection control protocols in preventing covid new variant jn1 transmission in dental setting: an original research

European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine



Hospital-Based Health Care Worker Perceptions Of Personal Risk Related To Covid-19: An Original Research

European Chemical Bulletin




 Full Mouth Rehabilitation in Disparate Scenarios: A Case Series

European Chemical Bulletin




Implant Malpositioning: Reasons and Prevention

European Chemical Bulletin




Occlusion consideration for the implant supported prosthesis: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Futuristic Rehabilitation Technique Of Acquired Maxillectomy Defect In Post Covid19 Mucormycosis Using Polyether Ether Ketone Obturator Prosthesis- A Case Report

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




A Case Report Depicting an Implant-Supported Prosthetic Rehabilitation of an immunocompromised Patient with a Bilateral Subtotal Maxillectomy Defect Secondary to Mucormycosis

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)




Full mouth rehabilitation of the patient with severely mutilated dentition: a case report

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health




Comparative evaluation of bonding efficiency of PEEK and Acrylic Resin with facial silicone using different bonding agents – An in vitro study

International Journal of Scientific Research



Dr. Akash Raj Sharma

Indirect Sinus Lift Without Graft Placement and with Immediate Implant Placement-A Systematic Review

University Journal of Dental Sciences,
An Official Publication of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. India



Impact of different flap approaches on the outcome of dental implant surgeries – A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




A Comparative Study of Serum Glycosylated Hemoglobin Levels and Periodontal Therapy in Smokers and Non-Smokers with Chronic Periodontitis Patient

European Chemical Bulletin




Resonance Frequency Analysis – A key for successful implant Treatment

European Chemical Bulletin




Occlusion consideration for the implant supported prosthesis: A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Clinical success of the fiber reinforced composite fixed partial denture (FRC FPD) in anterior region for missing one or two missing teeth in anterior region. An original study

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




A Simplified Method For Evaluating Optimized Gingival Contour For Single Implant Supported Zirconia Crown In The Aesthetic Zone - An In Vivo Study

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results




Maxillary Submerged implants: From error to innovation

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods




A hybrid acrylic resin and permanent silicone soft liner prosthesis for a microstomia patient: A case report

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Clinical evaluation of complications associated with tooth supported fixed partial denture amongst patient visiting dental college in gharwa

International Journal of Scientific Research




Comparative analysis of osseointegration with or without prf (platelet rich fibrin) in oral implantology- a randomized prospective clinical study

International Journal of Scientific Research




Full mouth reconstruction- malo implant bridge: a case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Pharmacological Agents in Dentistry: A Review

Journal of Hospital Pharmacy




Occlusal Indicators: It’s Not Always “RED and BLUE”

Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry




Partial Overdenture – A case report

International Journal of Scientific Research




Pressure Indicating Media-A Multitude of Success for the Prosthodontic Therapy

Journal of Orofacial and Health Sciences




Rule the Rugae: A case report

Journal of Dental College Azamgarh (Official publication of Purvanchal University)



Dr. Deepanshu Sharma

Impact of different flap approaches on the outcome of dental implant surgeries – A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Marginal Bone Level Measurements of Unsplinted Implants Used for Mandibular Overdentures: A Six-Month Randomized Prospective Clinical Study Comparing Early and Delayed Loading Protocols





Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in an Edentulous Patient





Effect of Two Connector Designs on the Fracture Resistance of All-Ceramic Core Materials for Fixed Dental Prostheses: An in-Vitro Study

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development




Correlation between Pulpal Inflammation (Using RCT as a Surrogate) and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Cases

International Journal of Research and Review



Dr. Yash Singh

Indirect Sinus Lift Without Graft Placement and with Immediate Implant Placement-A Systematic Review

University Journal of Dental Sciences,
An Official Publication of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. India




Impact of different flap approaches on the outcome of dental implant surgeries – A review

Journal of Orofacial Rehabilitation




Activities / CDE / Conference / Workshop

Report of Guest Lecture

Title: Patents in Dentistry – Unleashing Innovation Through Reforms Date: 26.06.2024 Venue: LT-4, Subharti Dental College and Hospital No. of Participants: Faculty: 57, Students: 70   Total: 127

Detail of Activity: It is with immense pleasure we share that the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge conducted guest lecture on “Patents in Dentistry - Unleashing Innovation through Reforms” by renowned speaker Dr. Rupandeep Kaur Samra, Professor and Head of Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, DJ College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar on 26th June, 2024.

The guest lecture was conducted under the able guidance of Dr. Nikhil Srivastava, Principal and Dean, Subharti Dental College & Hospital and Dr. Roma Goswami, HOD, Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital.

The lecture highlited the role of patents in the field of dentistry and how to protect these innovations apart from filing and publication of patents. The program was attended by under graduates, post graduates, and faculty members which was an enriching and insightful experience for all the participants.

Guest Speaker being felicitated by

Dr. Roma Goswami & Dr. Nikhil Srivastava

Guest Lecture being taken by Guest Speaker

Dr. Rupandeep Kaur Samra

Report of Guest Lecture

Title: Patents in Dentistry – Unleashing Innovation Through Reforms Date: 26.06.2024 Venue: LT-4, Subharti Dental College and Hospital No. of Participants: Faculty: 51, Students: 70   Total: 121

Detail of Activity: It is with immense pleasure we share that the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge conducted guest lecture on “Patents in Dentistry - Unleashing Innovation through Reforms” by renowned speaker Dr. Rupandeep Kaur Samra, Professor and Head of Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, DJ College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar on 26th June, 2024.

The guest lecture was conducted under the able guidance of Dr. Nikhil Srivastava, Principal and Dean, Subharti Dental College & Hospital and Dr. Roma Goswami, HOD, Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital.

The lecture highlited the role of patents in the field of dentistry and how to protect these innovations apart from filing and publication of patents. The program was attended by under graduates, post graduates, and faculty members which was an enriching and insightful experience for all the participants.

Guest Speaker being felicitated by

Dr. Roma Goswami & Dr. Nikhil Srivastava

Guest Lecture being taken by Guest Speaker

Dr. Rupandeep Kaur Samra

Objective:  Interactive Session

Activity: It is with immense pleasure we share that the Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge successfully completed “Value Added Course” by renowned speaker Dr. Rupandeep Kaur Samra, Professor and Head of Department, Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge, DJ College of Dental Sciences And Research, Modinagar from 26th to 29thJune, 2024.

The program was conducted under the able leadership of our honourable Principal and Dean Dr. Nikhil Srivastava and Dr. Roma Goswami, HOD, Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge.

The Value Added Course started with an enlightening lecture on impressions in fixed partial dentures followed by demonstration of different impression techniques. Through this educational initiative, students enhanced their clinical skills, learnt to navigate the intricacies of managing patients with optimal fit and function of indirect restorations and the importance of proper impression techniques in FPD.

The program was attended by under graduates and interns which was an enriching and insightful experience for all the participants.

Place of Event: LT-4, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Total Participants: 36

The Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut organized an Subharti Alumni Lecture Series on “Communication in Dentistry” by Dr. Pulkit Jain (Private Practitioner), New Delhi on 23rd February’ 2024. The Guest Speaker shared his expertise and knowledge about communication in dentistry. A total of 121 participants attended this online lecture, which included the entire Teaching Faculty, Post Graduate and as well as Under Graduate students.

To be add above Continuing Dental Education for on Demystifying TMJ Disorders on 13.12.2023

On the occasion of Prosthodontist Day, the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut conducted a camp for Education & Motivating Patients for Seeking Prosthodontics Rehabilitation for Missing Teeth at Bafar village. This initiative was taken under the able guidance and leadership of Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir, Principal and Dean and Dr. Roma Goswami Ma'am, HOD, Dept. of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge.
The whole session included a brief lecture about the routine oral hygiene instructions, awareness about the adverse effects of partial and complete edentulism and the benefits of the different specialized Prosthodontic Treatments available for missing teeth (Complete Denture, FPD, Implants, etc.).
A total of 52 patients including several old and middle-aged patients were examined. All the patients were later referred to the Department of Prosthodontics, and other respective departments for needful treatment.



To be add Below Continuing Dental Education for on Demystifying TMJ Disorders on 13.12.2023
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, conducted a workshop on "Ceramic Layering of Zirconia Milled Coping" by Mr. Kapil Chabra, Technical Consultant, Vita Zahnfabrik, on 12th December 2023, under the able guidance of Dr. Nikhil Srivastava, Principal, Subharti Dental College & Hospital and Dr. Roma Goswami, Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental college & Hospital, Meerut. Mr. Kapil Chabra shared his expertise and knowledge about the techniques for layering on zirconia coping for rehabilitation of anterior teeth. The workshop was attended by all the faculty members, technicians and Post graduate students.

Under the able leadership of our honourable principal Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Dr. Nikhil Srivastava, the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge and Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, organised a CDE program cum workshop on "Demystifying TMJ Disorders" on 13th December 2023. The distinguished guest speaker for the program was Lt. Col. Dr. Sudarshan V Bhatt, MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) Diplomate of American board of orofacial pain , Associate Professor, Dept of OMFS Dental Department AFMC, Pune.

The program was started with lamp lighting ceremony followed by felicitation of honourable dignitaries.

The CDE was graced by the presence of honorable CEO Dr. Shalya Raj, and honourable Pro Vice chancellor, Dr. Abhay Shankeregowda. The audience also got to be bestowed by an enlightening insight from both of them.

A lecture was conducted which included the various ways to demystify one of the intricate realms of oral health - TMJ disorders.

Through this educational initiative, practitioners can enhance their diagnostic skills, enabling them to navigate the intricacies of managing patients crippling with this complex disorder.

The program was attended by post graduates, faculty members and private practitioners which was an enriching and insightful experience for all the participants.

The program was successful conducted by Dr. NK Sahoo, prof and HOD of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department and Dr. Roma Goswami, prof and HOD of Prosthodontics and Crown and bridge along with all the faculty members.

To be add above Continuing Dental Education for Undergraduates on CBCT and CAD-CAM in Dentistry on 20.06.2023

Guest Lecture

It is with immense pleasure we share that Department Of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, conducted a guest lecture on "Teaching and Learning Trends in Dental Education: A paradigm shift" by renowned speaker Dr Shabina Sachdeva, Prof., Department Of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Jamia Milia Islamia New Delhi, on 5th July 2023.

The guest lecture was conducted under the able guidance of Dr Nikhil Srivastava, Principal and Dean, Subharti Dental College and Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut. Dr Shabina Sachdeva shared her expertise and knowledge about the new trends in Dental Education. Dr Roma Goswami, Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge felicitated the token of appreciation to the speaker. The lecture was attended by all the department heads, faculty and post graduate students.

Continuing Dental Education

It is with immense pleasure we share that Department Of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge and Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology successfully completed CDE program by renowned speakers Dr. Gaurav Issar, Prof. and HOD, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, IDST, Modinagar and Dr. Renu Talwar Oral Physician & Maxillofacial Radiologist, CBCT specialist on 20th June, 2023.

The program was conducted under the able guidance of Dr Nikhil Srivastava, Principal and Dean, Subharti Dental College And Hospital, who introduced the speakers about the achievements of the college and highlighted the significance of Continuing Dental Education. Dr. Gaurav Issar and Dr. Renu Talwar shared their expertise and knowledge about CAD-CAM and CBCT in dentistry respectively. Dr Roma Goswami, Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge, and Dr. Nagaraju Kamarthi, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Subharti Dental College and Hospital felicitate the token of appreciation to the speakers. The event was also attended by all the department heads, faculty, students and interns.


World oral health day celebration
"As mouth is the mirror of human body", Hence as a dentist it is a very special day for each one of us as we are the guardians of the mouth. Under the flagship of Principal, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir and guidance of Head of Department Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Dr. Roma Goswami Ma'am.
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge has organised free denture fabrication drive to provide dentures to needy patients along with oral hygiene instructions. The program also included oral screening where oral hygiene of the patients was screened. A total of 72 patients will be provided with free dentures. The day ended with a high hope that we have moved a step forward in creating an orally healthier community and in large a mentally and physically healthier country and world.

PALS & Free Dental Checkup Camp

On the occasion of Prosthodontist Day, the Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College& Hospital conducted Public Awareness Lecture Series (PALS) on the topic "Education Motivating Patients For Seeking Prosthodontics Rehabilitation For Missing Teeth" at Dhikoli village. This initiative was taken under the able guidance and leadership of Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir, Principal and Dean and Dr. Roma Goswami Ma'am, HOD, Dept. of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge.

The whole session included a brief lecture about the routine oral hygiene instructions, awareness about the adverse effects of partial and complete edentulism and the benefits of the different specialized Prosthodontic Treatments available for missing teeth (Complete Denture, FPD, Implants, etc.).

A total of 40 patients including several old and middle-aged patients were examined, immediate treatment such as extractions, restorations and scaling were performed along with primary impressions of old age patients for the fabrication of complete and partial dentures. All the patients were later referred to the Department of Prosthodontics, SDC and other respective departments for needful treatment.



Continuing Dental Education workshop and hands-on

Under the flagship of Dr. Nikhil Srivastava, Principal, Subharti Dental College, and esteemed Dr. Roma Goswami, HOD, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Lt. Gen. NK Sahoo, HOD, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, a CDE program on topic "Implants and Prosthetic Considerations" was organised on 28th and 29th November 2022.


Col (Dr) V.S. Legha, Professor and HOD, Army Dental College R&R Hospital, New Delhi was speaker who unravelled and deliberated diagnosis and treatment planning in implants with demonstration and hands on using 3D printed models.


On Day 2, Dr Reshu Madan, Professor briefed the students on prosthetic considerations of implant placement with demonstration on closed tray and open tray impression making.

A total no. of 52 postgraduates and under graduates participated actively to make this CDE a high success.

Free Dental Checkup Camp

The Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge conducted Public Awareness Lecture Series (PALS) on the topic "Education & Motivating Patients For Seeking Prosthodontics Rehabilitation For Missing Teeth" at Sudha Devi school, Sardhana, Distt. Meerut. This initiative is taken under the able guidance and leadership of Principal and Dean Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, and Dr. Roma Goswami Ma’am, HOD, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut.

The whole session included a brief lecture about the adverse effects of partial and complete edentulism and the benefits of the different specialized Prosthodontic Treatments available for missing teeth (Complete Denture, FPD, Implants, etc.).

A total of 80 patients including several old and middle-aged patients were examined and referred to the Department of Prosthodontics, SDC for further Prosthodontics treatment.

World Elderly Day” (Free Denture Month)

International Elder's day held every year on 1st October with the aim to spread awareness about the need for health provisions and social care for elderly. Department of Prosthodontics celebrated this event by organizing Free Denture delivery camp. This camp will be functional from 1st October- 31st October. The event embarked with valuable talk with our elderly patients regarding nutritional requirements and deficiencies, increasing awareness of the importance of taking care of the teeth, maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting the Prosthodontist for treatment. Free denture boxes with denture cleansers were distributed to the patients along with refreshments.

Skill Enhancement Workshop

Activity:Under the exemplary vision of Principal Dr. Nikhil Srivastava and guidance of Dr. Roma Goswami, Professor & Head of Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge and Dr. Vineeta Nikhil, Professor & Head of Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, a Skill Enhancement Workshop on topic titled "CAD – CAM – INTRO TO APPLICATION" was organized by Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge in association with Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics on 5th - 6th September, 2022.

Dr. Yash Raj Bahadur conducted workshop which include Lectures, Demonstrations and Hands on intra-oral and extra-oral scanning, designing and milling using CAD-CAM system.
The Program saw enthusiastic participation of more than 100 individuals including, faculty members.

This workshop lead to the expansion of information and communication technologies to have a stronger impact on the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of therapeutic effects. It will also help to provide a high level of aesthetics.

Value Added Course “Ethics in Clinical Practice”

Objective:  Interactive Session.

Activity: Lecture on learning his/her duties towards their patients and the community was taken by Guest Speaker Dr. Anubhav Kesari. Participants learn how to use the resources available to the best of their knowledge. The ethical issues associated with fees and insurance related issues. Their duties towards their colleague and employee. This course lead to their overall development and was beneficial for their dental practice and personality development.

Place of Event:  LT-4, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Total Participants: 218

Objective:  Interactive Session

Activity: A two day value added course on “Stress Management” was conducted by Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge on 29.07.2022 and 30.07.2022. The course comprised of a Guest Lecture by Dr. Shalabh Kumar, Prof. & Head, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Teerthankar Mahaveer Dental College and Research Center, Moradabad and a session on breathing exercises afterwards by Dr. Abhijith K.B., Asstt. Professor, Maharishi Aurobindo Subharti College & Hospital of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences. The course highlighted the different types of stresses, factors causing stress and techniques to cope up with the stress, along with various breathing exercises such as Alternate Nostril breathing, Diaphragmatic breathing etc. This course lead to the overall mental development of the participants which is beneficial for the dental practice and personality development of the practitioner.

Place of Event:  LT-4, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Total Participants: 126

The Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut organized a Guest Lecture on “MDS Course Blueprint” by Dr. Manu Rathee, Senior Professor & HOD, Department of Prosthodontics, P.G.I.D.S., Rohtak on 23.03.2022. The speaker discussed how the students can utilise their time while pursuing masters degree by enhancing their study skills. MDS curriculum was discussed with emphasis on publications, patents, innovations along with library dissertation and thesis writing. Work ethics to be followed by all was also discussed. The entire Teaching Faculty and Post Graduate students attended the lecture.

Celebrated Prosthodontist Day
It was celebrated with great enthusiasm in Subharti Dental College and Hospital, Meerut by the Faculty and PG’s of the Department on 22.01.2022. The entire program was conducted under the able guidance of Principal, Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir. The day was marked by patient education and awareness program. Denture Boxes, Denture Cleansers were distributed to the patients. The day was celebrated by offering 25% discount for FPD it.

Free Dental Checkup Camp
A Dental Camp was organized by the Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut at Village – Daha, Distt. Bhagpat on 15th December 2021. About 204 patients was examined their and treatment was started. Along with it patients were educated and motivated for maintaining oral hygiene along with the need of the prosthetic treatment in the quality of life. They were also educated about the various prosthetic treatments available for missing tooth/teeth. They were also told about the various maxillofacial prosthetic treatment done in our department and also about the maintenance of prosthesis at the same time.


Inauguration of “Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Clinic”

The Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital Meerut started an exclusive “Maxillofacial Rehabilitation clinic” on 1.10.2021 under the able guidance of Respected Principal, Dr. Nikhil Srivastava. This special clinic was inaugurated by chief guest, Dr. Akshay Bhargava (President,  Indian Prosthodontics Society). He also gave a deliberation in which he highlighted the scope and future of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics with the latest technologies for rehabilitating maxillofacial prosthetic cases.
This Maxillofacial Rehabilitation clinic aims to cater to the needs  of patient with facial anomalies.  It involves rendering prosthesis for congenitally missing or resected oral and facial structures which indudes  palate, nose, ear, eye and part of face.

“Standards of Dental Practice”

Objective:  Interactive Session

Activity: Lecture on the basics of Dental Practice was delivered by Dr. Manas Singh. Participants learnt about the required knowledge to how to practice with dentistry. In this four days value added course, participants learnt their duties towards their patients and the community. They learnt how to use the resources available to the best of their knowledge. The ethical issues associated with fees and insurance related issues. Their duties towards their colleague and employee. Dr. Manas singh gave the detailed information to learn and practice all the measures for all standards in dental practice, he didn’t left any stone unturned for the same. The session included the principles and role of ethics in the practice involving the various fronts related to the dental practice in the society with the best possible outcome with honest and genuine effort. The participants put all the queries to the speaker which was satisfyingly answered by the speaker.  This course lead to their overall development and was beneficial for their dental practice and personality development of the practitioner.

Place of Event:  LT-4, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut

Total Participants: 141

Prosthodontist Day


It was celebrated with great enthusiasm in Subharti Dental College and Hospital, Meerut by the Faculty and PG’s of the Department on 22.01.2021. The entire program was conducted under the able guidance of Principal, Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir. The day was marked by patient education and awareness program. Free hand sanitizers and disposable gowns were distributed to the patients along with the demonstration of hand sanitization. The day was celebrated as free denture day for the patients.Number of attendees in the event was 77.


Online Guest Lecture on “Interdisciplinary Approach in Oral Rehabilitation”

It was the National Event. The guest speaker highlighted different interdisciplinary treatment approaches for single tooth, multiple teeth and full mouth rehabilitation on 06.01.2021.Guests/ Guest speakers/ key note speakers: Dr. Shashikala Jain, Vice-Principal, Professor & HOD, Department of Prosthodontics, Maharaja Shri Ganganagar Dental College and Research Centre, Ganganagar, Rajasthan. Number of attendees in the event was 60.


Alumni Guest Lecture on “Introduction to Prosthodontics”


In the lecture the guest speaker discussed about the different aspects of Prosthodontics and what all treatment options are available in this field on 07.11.2020.Guests/ Guest speakers/ key note speakers:Dr. Sunit Jurel, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow (UP). Number of attendees for the event was 107.


“3D Bioprinting – Future of Regeneration ”


The guest speaker discussed the role of 3D Bioprinting in dentistry and how it will redefine the future of dental as well as medical sciences on 23.10.2019. The entire Teaching Faculty as well as Post Graduate students attended the lecture.Guests/ Guest speakers/ key note speakers: Dr. Vijay Prakash, Professor, D.J. College of Dental Sciences & Research, Modinagar. Number of attendees in the events was:92

"Treatment Modalities in Prosthodontics”

The Department of Prosthodontics and Crown &Bridge under the able guidance of our esteemed Principal and Dean Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir and Dr.Roma Goswami Ma'am (HOD) conducted a guest lecture on "Treatment modalities in Prosthodontics " in the Subharti Dental College &Hospital, Meerut by Dr. Rubina Gupta, Professor and Head of the Department of Dental Surgery, Muzaffarnagar  Medical College on  22.07.2019. Ateeth Arrangement competition was also held on the topicArt effect in Prosthodonticson the same day for the Under graduate students, Internsand Dental mechanic students, a total of 69 student's participated and the winners were awarded with certificates and prizes.

“Integrated Approach in Full Mouth Rehabilitation”

National event was on14.08.2018. In this, lecture the speaker spoke about all the treatment modalities as well as the challenges faced in full mouth rehabilitation. Lecture Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers wasDr. Dhruv Arora. Number of attendees in the event was 114.


“Simplified Prosthodontics” Tao of Success and “Changing the rules of game in implantology”

The Department of Prosthodontics, SDC, Meerut organized a successful CDE program comprising of 02 guest lectures by Alumni Speakers of SDC and there was is a participation by all UG & PG students and faculty of other departments on 14.02.2018.For the event Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers: Dr. Lakshya Kr. Yadav & Dr. Vishwas Bhatia. Number of attendees in the event was112


“Strategic Immediate Functional Loading of Basal Implants”

A four days clinical course on Basal Implants was organized by the Department of Prosthodontics, SDC, Meerut on 04th to 07th Dec.’ 2017. This course included lectures, demonstration of placement of basal implants on stereolithographic maxilla and mandiblemodels, which were 3D printed. Also two patients  (01 full edentulous patient was rehabilitated with 18 basal implants and fully fixed implant supported prosthesis and one patient who was partially edentulous rehabilitated with five basal implants in posterior maxilla including placement of implants in pterygoid region and buttress regions of maxilla and their after placement of full fixed  implant supported metal ceramic bridge).Both the cases had highly resorbed jaws and were rehabilitated within 72 hrs. The cases were successfully completed without any grafting procedures. The event was attended by 39 participants,many faculties and even one entry from a foreign country (Tounisia, near Europe). The event Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers: Dr. Vivek Gaur (Course Conductor). Number of attendees in the event was 39.

Workshop on Laboratory Demonstration Celtra (Glass-Ceramic – Dentsply) 

A detailed procedure of fabricating an all-ceramic prosthesis was explained & demonstrated by Dr. Lakshmi Kant Tiwari on 08.11.2017. All the steps of laboratory procedure from die cutting, wax pattern fabrication, investing, ceramic pressing and finishing & polishing of the prosthesis were dealt with in detail. Each & every aspect of procedure & doubts were discussed. It was an excellent workshop to enhance our skills, worth attending indeed. The event Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers: Mr. Laxmikant Tiwari, a dental technician of Dentsply. Number of attendees in the event was31.


Guest Lecture on “Planning Career in Dentistry”


A Guest Lecture was given by a famous Stalwart of Prosthodontics Dr. (Lt. Gen.) Vimal Arora in which the participants comprising of PG students & Faculty of all departments on 22nd March’ 2017. The respected speaker demystified the various career options in dentistry and gave valuable practical advises and therefore the event was highly motivating for all the attendees.The event Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers: Dr. (Lt. Gen.) Vimal Arora. Number of attendees in the event112.

Guest Lecture on “Strengthening Rural Dental Care – Let’s March Now”


He also happens to be the alumni of Subharti Dental College on 21.01.2017. This was the first time that the alumni of the own college was given a platform to educate and motivate budding dentists.Dr. Sumit Dubey enlightened everyone with thoughts on how to treat a patient both clinically and provide best care in remote areas.Event Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers: Dr. Sumit Dubey MDS, Prosthodontics, Project Manager, H.A.S.N.A.A.Number of attendees for the event125.

CDE on “Maxillofacial Prosthodontics – Sculpting Finesse”


A two days CDE program and workshop was conducted by Department of Prosthodontics, SDC, Meerut for PG students and Faculty of SDC and other Dental Colleges of various states in India on 21st & 22nd April 2016. the event included brain storming informative lectures on maxillofacial prosthodontics, demonstration on models for eye, ear, obturator, guiding flange, orbital prosthesis etc. Event Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers: Dr. Veena Jain (Prof. & Head, AIIMS, New Delhi) & Dr. Gunjan Purthi (Professor). Number of attendees in the event was80.

Guest Lecture on “An Overview of Expanded Arena of Prosthodontics”


A guest lecture was given by one of the Stalwart in field of Prosthodontics, Dr. Manu Rathee for the UG students of SDC, Meerut on 12th Jan. 2016. The lecture aimed at revealing the scope of prosthodontics emphasizing on the various expanded scope in MFP, Implantology, TMJ disorders and prosthetic management, occlusal management of Full mouth rehabilitation cases.Event Guests/ Guest speakers/ key note speakers:Dr. Manu Rathee (Sr. Prof. & Head Post Graduate Institute of Dental Science, Pt. BD Sharma University). Number of attendees of the event was 94.

“Free Denture Month”

The free denture month was celebrated in Department of Prosthodontics, SDC, Meerut in which approximately 52 CD were fabricated for edentulous poor patientson the month of April 2019. In addition, a denture cleansing tablets and a denture box was provided to all the patients for maintenance of the fabricated CD. Number of attendees in the activity was86.


Prosthodontist Day

It was celebrated with great enthusiasm in Subharti Dental College and Hospital, Meerut by the Faculty and PG’s of the Department on22.01.2019. Free Denture Boxes were distributed to the patients, educational counter to motivate patents was set up & 20% discount on all treatment modalities.The number of attendees in the event was92.


“International Day of older person (WHO)”
The event was on 01st Oct. to 15th Oct.’ 2018 andwho registered out of which 100 patients were delivered with free complete denture and 62 patients who delivered with Removable Partial Denture by faculty, PG’s and Interns.The Number of attendees in the event was175 patients (69)

Public Awareness Lecture Series (PALS) on the topic “Education & Motivating Patients For Seeking Prosthodontics Rehabilitation For Missing Teeth”

This initiative is taken under the able guidance and leadership of Principal and Dean Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir, Subharti Dental College and Dr. Roma Goswami Ma’am, HOD, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Subharti Dental College, Meerut on 16.12.2019. The whole session included a brief lecture about the adverse effects of partial and complete edentulous and benefits about the different specialized Prosthodontic Treatment available for missing teeth (Complete Denture, FPD, Implants, etc.). Several old and middle-aged patients were examined and were referred to Department of Prosthodontic, SDC for further Prosthodontics treatment.The Number of attendees in the event was 17


“World Elderly Day” (Free Denture Month)


Introduction of the event and its salient features: The day was celebrated in between 01st Oct. to 31st Oct.’ 2019. A total of 443 patients registered during this month free denture (CD & RPD) were given to 128 patients.Number of attendees in the complete duration of lecture was156.

Free Dental Checkup Camp
Introduction of the event and its salient features:  the dental camp was organized at Adarsh Jr. High School in Village Dabka, Distt. Meeruton 29.01.2019. In this camp more than 200 students and villagers were examined and educated.Number of attendees for the camp was05.


Speciality Camp in Vill. – Dhikoli, Distt. Baghpat
The speciality camp was organized on 17.01.2018 at Dhikoli Village. As many as 160 patients were registered for the camp in which 65 patients were requiring prosthodontic treatment and 95 patients were requiring other dental treatment. Number of attendees in the lecture was20.

Speciality camp in Abha Manav Mandir, Panchwati, Mawana Road, Meerut)
The speciality camp was organized on18th Dec. 2017.As many as 30 patients were registered for the camp in which 07 were completely edentulous patients, 18 were partially edentulous and 05 were patients requiring other dental treatment.Number of attendees in the camp12


Two days Charity Denture Camp at Prem Niwas (Missionaries of Charity)
During this camp 40 inmates of Prem Niwas were rehabilitated by Complete Dentures, Removable Partial Denture and 01 patient with maxillofacial artificial Eye Prosthesis was on 16th & 21st June’ 2016. The doctors took keen interest in providing services to the inmates. Along with the medical services the college also donated house hold items such as kitchen accessories, toilet accessories, detergent powder / cakes, electric iron, protein powder, cough syrups, vapor rubs, gum paints, muscles relaxant ointment, eatables, clothes & walking sticks etc.Number of attendees in the event was10.


“Art Effect – A Venture To Show Your Mettle & Dental Quiz”
Introduction of the event and its salient features: A teeth arrangement competition was organized for BDS IInd year, IIIrd year, IVth year & interns on 13.02. 2018.The event comprising of nearly 112 participants. Prizes were given to the winners by Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir (Principal , Subharti Dental College and Hospital)  and Guest Speakers.Event Guests/ Guest speakers/ key note speakers: Dr. Lakshya Kr. Yadav & Dr. Vishwas Bhatia. Number of attendees in the event was112


“Art Effect – A Venture To Show Your Mettle & Dental Quiz”
Introduction of the event and its salient features: A teeth arrangement competition was organized for BDS IInd year, IIIrd year, IVth year & interns on 20th Jan 2017. The event comprising of nearly 122 participants. Prizes were given to the winners by Dr. Nikhil Srivastava Sir (Principal , Subharti Dental College and Hospital)  and Guest Speaker.Event Guest speaker was Dr. Sumit Dubey. Number of attendees in the event was122.



Art Effect – A Venture To Show Your Mettle & Dental Quiz

A guest lecture was given by one of the Stalwart in field of Prosthodontics, Dr. Manu Rathee for the UG students of SDC, Meerut on 11th Jan 2016. The lecture aimed at revealing the scope of prosthodontics emphasizing on the various expanded scope in MFP, Implantology, TMJ disorders and prosthetic management, occlusal management of Full mouth rehabilitation cases.
The events Guests/ Guest speakers/ keynote speakers: Dr. Manu Rathee (Sr. Prof. & Head Post Graduate Institute of Dental Science, Pt. BD Sharma University). Number of attendees in the event was 94.

1. The Department of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut will be celebrating “Prosthodontist Day” on 22nd January’ 2025 (Wednesday).

    Department will be conducting the following activities.
  1. Poster competition for Post Graduates, Under Graduates and interns.
  2. Quiz competition for Post Graduates, Under Graduates and interns.
  3. Distributing free Mouth Gels, Adhesive Pastes to the patients.